Saturday, November 7, 2009

David Quintanilla Party

David Quintanilla is an artist/photographer who recently showed at an industrial gallery space by the OP downtown. His show David's Goliath subverted Renaissance religious imagery with homo/sexual overtones. It was bold and sexy. An interview and photo spread of David will be featured in the upcoming edition of *COOL-O*.

On All Hallows Eve eve, though, David threw a dope costume party.

That's David in his Kali incarnation and his boyfriend the fertility goat-god fellow. By the end of the night I became convinced these are their true forms. They wear mortal disguises the rest of the year.

When you make out with a guy in the bathroom at a party, you're just asking to randomly spot him a few days later in an awkward location. Like the showers at your gym. Or at a restaurant while he's on a date with his boyfriend. Or at a Wal-Mart portrait studio taking picture with his wife and kids. Just sayin'.
Check out the killer Adonis belt on Adam. And the beer goggles on whoever took those pics. They can't hold the damn camera straight.

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